

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

:: don't play-play ::

need to change my mind set now, to something useful. go away my bad thought.!
minggu depan ada 3 test yang ak kena face. n semua test tu, pasal biology.
actually, takde kena mengena dengan biology, juz nak describe yang semua subjek tu almost sama dengan biology. their books are like nightmares for me.! damm.!

please, Mr.Mind. change your mind set and allow me to study right away. no more play-play, no more "how i met your mother", no more computer games, no more hanging around. study, dude.!! that's what we are made for.!


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“Don’t waste your energy worrying about the things you can’t control. Take a step back and look at the things that are in your control and be thankful for what you have instead of wanting what you don’t have. It’s all about perspective.”
