

Sunday, September 19, 2010

:: laugh ::

all right then. ak dah kongsi something mengenai kenapa ak suka sangat senyum even banyak sangat benda yang ak tak expect happen to me. yup!! tak dapat dinafikan, ak memang suka senyum and ak harap ak dapat ukirkan senyuman tu tiap2 masa, 24/7 or in the "two and a hale men" show said that 31 :D

laugh and laugh. ak memang sangat suka ketawa. yup! it will cheer up my day and i really love to laugh, again and again. for member rapat, maybe cara ak gelak sangat keterlaluan, maaf LOL. this is me, and hope that every
body will respect me the way i am. but, remember that jangan laugh over sangat, because there's might be something behind all the laugh things..

laughter - laughter here I come
to make my friend smile and calm
jump and jump to the left to the right
thru the day time and night

laughter - laughter here I am

to make true all the sweetest dreams
like my friend always has in sleep
thru the very beautiful night
that will never skip

laughter - laughter here we are
my friend and I are blah-blah-blah
and we are happy and careless

cause the better future are waiting for us

laughter - laughter, who are you?
WHAT! you don't recognize me?
I am sorry, I thought I know you
because a real friendship doesn't care who we are.


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“Don’t waste your energy worrying about the things you can’t control. Take a step back and look at the things that are in your control and be thankful for what you have instead of wanting what you don’t have. It’s all about perspective.”
