

Sunday, October 31, 2010

:: born to be happy ::

and it's true. enjoy life because it's just one. and the next thing is dead LOL.
honestly, dalam seminggu dua ni, banyak sangat scene dalam hidup ak as student and also friend. nak story semua scene tu, errmm. i guess not.! panjang sangat, haha. I'm very talkative person. ask me to stop talking if you are annoying with that stuff. so, I guess. ak just bagi highlight jerk untuk topik ni :D

ok. first of all, result untuk test dua dah keluar and ak punya gred, takde la happening sangat. just cukup2 makan and hope sangat sem ni ak dapat cgp lagi tinggi compared dengan sem lepas.
financial accounting : no 2nd test.!!
management : damm.!! carry mark tak tinggi.!!
hubungan etnik : ak minat sejarah tanah melayu.!! hahaha
food chemistry : no 2nd test also.!!
introduction to food industry : err, average I guess.
IT : 2nd test punya result, scary.!!

next, ak punya aktiviti hari jumaat, tengok movies.!! marathon beb.!! ak ingat nak tengok lagi next weekend, but no. nak kena jimat duit, nak makan ikan bakar after dah habis sem nanti, wakaka.!! happy even jalan sorang2. gila kn ak ni,? hehe. it's my way, and nobody can comment on that :P. opps.! lupa. kepada cik faseha, thanks coz call me crazy, hehe. 'tengok 3 movies, tak sejuk ke.?'. my answer : 'no. sebab ak pakai baju 'turtle neck', hahah.!!

my conclusion : apa pun jadi kat hidup ni, especially hidup ak, ak deserve untuk happy. problems? na. I don't have any. keep smiling because the person who you smile to, carry a lot of burden. smile, and all of them are gone. itu yang ak belajar. enjoy every minutes of your life with something that you will never regret and never forget.!

p.s : ak nak sangat jadi Barney Stinson dalam How I Met Your Mother. damm.!!


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“Don’t waste your energy worrying about the things you can’t control. Take a step back and look at the things that are in your control and be thankful for what you have instead of wanting what you don’t have. It’s all about perspective.”
