

Thursday, November 18, 2010

:: konklusi ::

konklusi untuk hari ini : selamat hari raya, hahaha.
nope, that's not it. banyak lagi benda ak nak story hari ni. well, ak rasa if everytime jerk ak kuar or jln2, there's gonna be something unexpected will happened to me, really. if nothing happened, than it's not my life. there's too many evidence pasal benda ni. contohnya, time laptop ak 'di'mandikan oleh coffee mc'd. or, suddenly I felt off when using the escalator. well, it's me...

hari ni, nothing much. went out to watch the new harry potter movie title 'harry potter and the deathly hollows'. 1st of all, tunggu commuter almost sejam tau semata2 nak lepak kat mid valley. then had to queue for almost another half hour to buy the ticket.

damn, the movie was so fabulous.!! you guys should, need, must, have watch this movie.! ok. tak kisah sangat pasal queue yang panjang nak mampus. ak expect 17hb 11 ni, hari yang perfect. but, no.!! not at all.!!

time nak naik bus UPM, ada mamat indon yang nak amik ak nyer dompet. which mean that I can called them bullshit-asshole-middle finger pick pockets.!! lucky for me, when mamat tu nak amik ak nyer dompet, ak pandang dier. at that time gak, dia tiba2 campak dompet kat floor. it's like cam ak lak yang salah. well no. ak nampak ko nyer tangan pegang ak nyer dompet la bai.! if xramai orang yg tngh q nak naek bus, mmg dah lama ak sepak terajang ko nyer muka.!

ayat2 kasar : siot ko indon.!! ko amik dompet ak tadi n blah, memang confirm ak bunuh ko.!!

konklusi : well, mood ak nak happy di'spoil'kan oleh indon2 yang celaka-bodoh ni.!! n please. beware of any mat2 idon yang muka cam harry potter yg kena spell oleh cik Hermione. untuk safety, from now pakai pant yang ada banyak poket, ataupun xde poket trus lg better, haha.!!


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“Don’t waste your energy worrying about the things you can’t control. Take a step back and look at the things that are in your control and be thankful for what you have instead of wanting what you don’t have. It’s all about perspective.”
