

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

:: man vs wild ::

Semalam sempat hang out kat Mid Valley Megamall, semata2 nak tengok wayang kat GSC. haha. The Mines dekat, tp nak gak lepak kat Mid. well, dah bosan lor. Besides, dah lama ak tak 'happy'kan diri ak lepak kat MPH Bookstore, place where hukumnya wajib untuk ak lepak. :D

ok2. 1st of all, nak story pasal movie yang ak tengok semalam. The Way Back from National Geographic Entertainment. Haha, for sure if sebut pasal National Geographic, it's all about nature. And it's true. Mother nature can be cruel to us if we don't treat them well. Based on the true story, kisah pasal survival. Escape from prison, walk for almost 4000miles from Serbia to India through China, Tibet and the most challenging path, The Himalaya. Movie ni agak serious, just a few jokes throughout the movie as they concentrate more on the journey part. And tak lupa, kepada peminat Man vs Wild, need to watch this movie. Have to.! haha. 4 out of 5 stars!

Jom lepak kat MPH! haha. the main point, ak nak beli kamus Cina. This new sem, ak amik subjek bahasa asing which is Mandarin. sangat2 happening when dapat belajar new language. Just basic2 jerk, xde la pening kepala ak nak ingat semua words and tulisan which are over 2000 woo.!! still kompius when pronouncing 'xi' and 'zhi', haha.!!

Tak jumpa Oxford nyer kamus, so need to find other publisher. Yg penting dalam kamus yg ak dah beli, ada Malay and English translation. Senang sikit ak nyer kerja.

Apa yang best kat Mid, bila ada special celebration, diorang akan decorate mall tu, I mean very huge ones and some performance untuk hiburkan customers. Even lepak sorang2, which is my best specialty, happy woo.! To make ourselves happy is the best things ever in life.!

:: Still small kids, but they great in doing actions! ::

:: Can't find the center court pic. Hurm ::

p.s : to anyone who celebrating Chinese New Year, wishing you a Happy New Year and have a very prosperous year!


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