

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

:: running with the best ::

This might sound kinda unfamiliar. Haha.! Joined 'Larian Berganti-Ganti Jalan Raya UPM' last Sunday. Sangat2 penat dan sangat2 best.! One group consist of 6 runners and I was the 5th runner. Sorry to said, our group aim was to have fun and not to win the competition :D.
Al maklumlah, ak ni bukannya sportman yg berjaya. haha.! Memanjang jerk lepak kat bilik, men laptop, g kelas, makan n tido. When dapat join benda ni, sangat2 epi. Xde la ak bosan sangat lepak kat bilik jerk, without doing nothing.

ok2, event bermula tepat kol 8 after dah bg briefing pasal larian. 1.5km for men and 1.0km for women. Tak jauh pun, dkat jerk. Kepala hotak hang dekat. Ak lari cam nak pitam lor. Nek turun bukit. Badan ak ni tak pernah di'train' lari kat laluan camni. So, accept the consequences la ek limau. Haha.!

:: Pics runners tak clear sangat :P ::

p.s : Kepala rasa cam nak pecah, satu badan sakit2. Err, maybe this pain will last a week. Consequence apabila dah lama meninggalkan sukan dan tiba2 over active untuk sem ni. Deserve these. Padan muka ko limau, haha.! But, we all managed to finish this 'larian' and we proud of ourselves, yeah.!!


Abang Pilu
at: February 24, 2011 at 5:45 AM said...

Hensem abg no 1 tu ye.. cargas betol..

法伊玆 says:
at: February 24, 2011 at 6:33 PM said...

haha. sangat2 cergas.! laju der abg no 1 lari, akaka.

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“Don’t waste your energy worrying about the things you can’t control. Take a step back and look at the things that are in your control and be thankful for what you have instead of wanting what you don’t have. It’s all about perspective.”
