

Saturday, January 1, 2011

:: yesterday ::

I must say that I did something that I will never regret. For sure.!
Yesterday, drove from Kota Bharu to Kuala Lumpur via Cameron Highland.! haha.! Totally an unforgettable experience.! Took me almost 10 hours before arrived at Serdang.
Motif : Unknown. Maybe I wanted to have hot chocolate at Cameron's Starbucks :P

The whole road trip :
Kota Bharu - Gua Musang - Cameron Highland - Tapah - Kuala Lumpur.!!

:: more challenging than before ::

:: ate 'nasi lemak' and tea at Cameron Bharat Coffee House ::

:: traffic jam at Cameron.? Yes.! ::

:: Tanah Rata, Cameron Highland. Nothing's changed except more Bangla's and Indon's ::

:: Starbucks Coffee.!! Miss this coffee shop so much.!! ::

:: My hazelnut hot chocolate.! Hot beverage, cold surrounding. ::

And off to Kuala Lumpur. :D

p.s : Kinda wonder. Which one is more important, human nature or development.? All I can said when arrived here, there's too many development projects being carried out and they don't even care about the environment. Thanks to Malaysian Government.! Really proud of you, killer.!


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“Don’t waste your energy worrying about the things you can’t control. Take a step back and look at the things that are in your control and be thankful for what you have instead of wanting what you don’t have. It’s all about perspective.”
