

Monday, March 21, 2011

:: memories remain till.. ::!! seriously, I'm missing you lately. Tak update blog dah macam separuh jiwaku pergi, haha. Maaf la, terpaksa miss update blog ni, ada kenduri di Felda Raja Alias. Err, dekat dengan MRSM Serting, if info ak tak salah. My aunt just got married with Orang Nogori! Congratulations! Hari ni baru sempat nak story pasal even tu, maaf bebanyak la ea. Ak tak bawa Mr.Lappy when lepak kat rumah uncle.

Driving : 8.30am - 1.00pm, from Taman Keramat
Journey : KL - Kuala Pilah - Jempol - Felda Raja Alias

Actually, dah biasa sangat lepak kat Kuala Pilah. Banyak sangat my old memories there. However, I'll never talk about the sad story in this blog, plus this blog title is 'Live with Laugh', right?

Welcome to Felda Raja Alias! 1st time masuk felda, over excited lor.

Tema pengantin : Biru putih. Tema family : Err, rainbow kot. Xpun mixed theme.

Err, my aunt. Completely different from usual. Mean it.

The wedding's cake! Amazing, chocolate cake! to be more accurate, moist chocolate cake!

Cut the wedding's cake, faster! Need to taste the cake!

p.s : Welcome to our family, plus congratulations for both of them! :D


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“Don’t waste your energy worrying about the things you can’t control. Take a step back and look at the things that are in your control and be thankful for what you have instead of wanting what you don’t have. It’s all about perspective.”
