

Thursday, September 23, 2010

:: jalan-jalan cari makan ::

ok. sangat2 penat and malas sangat nak baca buku sekarang. so, let's ber'blog'ing.!! hehe.
first of all, damm you uspot!! ak xboleh nak bukak facebook n blog disebabkan ko dude.!! ak marah gila2 nih.! seryes ak marah.!! sangat2 marah kat ko.!! huh.!! terpaksa cari tempat lain nak online. dapat update fb n blog kejap pun, dah cukup berbaloi untuk ak coz..

when i loved myself enough, i came to love being alone, surrounded by silence, owned by its spell, listening to the inner space.

enough dengan quote yang ak jumpa dalam buku time ak lepak kat mph td. haha.!! tiba2 semalam timbul idea yang still boleh di'consider' as minat. ak nak makan kat semua kedai makan yang ada kat midvalley megamall.!! haha.!! list untuk restoran, ak dah setelkan. so, my next stop ialah tony roman's, or pancake house.! untuk lunch td, lepak kat TGI FRiDAYS, The Gardens.!! sangat2 besh, n ak suggest if nak lepak kat TGI, better lepak ramai2, besh sikit compared dengan ak yang lepak makan lunch sorang2 td, smbil tengok match bola :P

gambar kat atas ni, fish n chips. no milo ais, so minum lemon tea jerk. quite sedap, maybe next time nak makan lamb grill or chicken with mushroom soup. will be one of my favorite hang out place other than starbucks and coffee bean. before lepak kat tempat sama, better setelkan list restaurants yang sangat2 banyak, n kalau boleh nak jerk ak lepak kat semua restaurants hari ni gak. :P

enough for today yang amat memenatkan. promise untuk diri sendiri : stop buying clothes and hoodies, pok cek.!! haha.!! i will, myself :D
p/s : tak sabar nak balik umah atok esok..


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“Don’t waste your energy worrying about the things you can’t control. Take a step back and look at the things that are in your control and be thankful for what you have instead of wanting what you don’t have. It’s all about perspective.”
