

Sunday, March 13, 2011

:: The Malay Chronicles Bloodline ::

The Malay Chronicles Bloodline aka Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa.
Such a great Malay film. Produced by KRU studio production.

Tengok movie ni 1st day bila dah keluar kat wayang. Overall, ak sangat sukakan movie ni. Even though, banyak kata2 sumbang yg ak dengar pasal movie ni.

Still lot to be learned by KRU production. Admit that this film cannot win against The Spartan, but overall for Malay's film, produced by Malaysian, it is such a great achievement. Compared to the other Malay's movies before, this movie is an epic type. Which means it all about history.

For new generation of Malay's film, this movie is great. Really astonishing. It shows that our producers do not afraid to try something new. For this film, almost 2000 people involved throughout the whole storyline and almost 8 million ringgit had been spend. The production really taking risk of having loss in the profit, but the main idea is to show the development in Malay's film. 500k ringgit had been collected for the first day of showing, and it shows that Malaysian do not only watch horror, comedy romantic films, but they also prefer an epic style movie.

Congratulations to KRU production for this new achievement.

Rating among Malay's film : 4.5 out of 5
Rating among international films : 3 out of 5


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