

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

:: true function ::

all right then. post ni mungkin agak kasar or lebih tepat, siapa yang makan cili, dia yang akan rasa pedas. hanya nak bg peringatan untuk diri sendiri dan juga orang lain :D

pernah tak korang nampak atau gunakan kemudahan cam gambar kat atas? mungkin ramai yg akan jumpa facility ni kat airport. true function of this facility is that to save time. sebab apa ak cakap camtu? sebenarnya, dah ramai sangat orang yg ada view salah pasal facility ni. certain people who use these facility, will just stand on the walkway and not walking while using them. In other words, people need to walk and not stand on the walkway!

lately, ada satu incident yg berlaku kat ak. rushing nak g cab kiosk when kat klia. so ak guna la walkway ni. at the same time, ada la satu family ni, most of them are women, sembang2 time guna bnda ni. adooii! tension ak tnggu sign 'end of walkway', huhu. ok la, if anyone yg guna walkway ni tak nak jalan and just want to stand on it, tolonglah. stay kat side kiri. hormat kat orang lain n jangan jadi selfish. the same goes when you're using escalator. if you are not rushing, please please please, stand on the left side of escalator. tak susahkan orang lain.

true fact : anyone who stand on the moving walkway are slower than the people who are walking and not using the walkway. err, ak harap bloggers paham la ek apa yg ak cuba sampaikan :P


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