

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

:: untuk anda ::

yeah!! at last, ada masa ak nak update blog ni lagi. err, even though hari ni agak busy dengan program yg banyak dan pack sampai petang. 1st of all, lambat sangat nak update blog dengan latest news yg actually ak nak sangat share. entry ni, ak buat khas untuk orang yang bernama 'ANDA'.

Untuk Anda :

Terima kasih sangat2 kerana sudi hang out dengan cheq ni. Well, it's hard to believe that we could finally met. haha! Sangat2 happy tau actually. Thanks because sudi nak hang out, makan2, layan perangai cheq yang ala budak2 (for sure sangat2 mcm budak kecik). Plus, so sorry if Anda tak selesa semasa hang out dengan cheq. Kena dengar cheq membebel masa driving coz tak puas hati dengan driver lain, ganggu Anda punya masa nak rehat. Ye la, Anda dah jalan2 almost 3 hari berturut2. So, for sure sangat2 penat dengan semua tu. Tup2, kena hang out pulak dengan orang yang macam cheq ni. If bosan tu, sangat2 mintak maaf. Btw, sangat2 rasa bersalah dengan member Anda dan juga Anda. Yes, quite shy at that time and tak pandai sangat nak sembang2 dengan people yang tak pernah jumpa sebelum ni. Quite shy ke? err, rasanya tak malu kot. sembang 24/7 all the time, akaka.

1st impression, such a funny person you are. And such a happy person too. Muka teruja when dapat keluar jalan2, haha! I can't forget the looks on your face along the way to and back. Dah lama tak nampak person se'happy' dan seceria Anda. Banyak lagi actually nak share pasal Anda, tp words can't describe that :). Humble to say that, you're such an awesome human kind ever!

Hope that you will enjoy your life much better than me. Don't be like me, okay? Such a hypocrite person I am. Besides, you have such lots of kind people around you. They will be with you all the time if you need them. Treat them nicely, promise me. To find that there are people who willing to accompany you all the time, is such a great moment in life. Kinda jealous because you have such kind friends actually, haha. Well, I'm happy to see you happy with them of course :)


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“Don’t waste your energy worrying about the things you can’t control. Take a step back and look at the things that are in your control and be thankful for what you have instead of wanting what you don’t have. It’s all about perspective.”
