

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

:: sangat penat ::

Just too tired with what had happened to me lately. Too much and I can't stop thinking 'What is going to happen next?' Kinda need a long vacation, haha.

Statements :
A : Damn you, Limau! Ada jerk alasan nak hang out, tak nak study!
B : Sengal gila. Nak lepak jerk. If lepak result test makin elok, okay gak. Tp makin teruk jerk.
C : Dah2. Apa kata ko jadi backpacker jerk. The end.
D : Remember that, your parents still need you lor.
E : Hang ni kan. Dah tau hang ni cepat sakit, makan la banyak. Makan ciput jerk, mmg la kurus.

Answers :
A : Haha!! I love to hang out. I'm not going to study all the time. All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy, aye?
B : Err, result dah makin elok kot. See the legs la bai!
C : That's my main idea. Well, still waiting for the right time. After duit dalama akaun bank sejuta, or ak dapat biasiswa sebulan 5k, sure ak jd backpacker :)
D : Remember that. Don't worry, okay?
E : oitt!! Senyap2 la sikit bab2 sakit ni. Underground sudahh..



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“Don’t waste your energy worrying about the things you can’t control. Take a step back and look at the things that are in your control and be thankful for what you have instead of wanting what you don’t have. It’s all about perspective.”
