

Saturday, January 1, 2011

:: please 'lah' ::

we met again yesterday.! Plus Highway.! My favorite place.!!
Drove 110km/h at the third lane. How about the first lane.? 200km/h.?
Totally jealous of people who drive more than 110km/h. Do they ever get any speeding tickets.? Or maybe they have too much money and really kind of them, donating the money to Traffic Department. One situation that almost common at this highway :

there's too many sign that show, 'kenderaan berat dilarang memotong' and 'kenderaan berat ikut lorong kiri'. Then how about this bus driver.? Does he understand the rule.? No.! And one word to this kind of driver, STUPID.! The government should, need, have to take more action.! Don't just sit and stay, doing nothing.!

p.s : dengar luahan hati pemandu kereta di Era. He said 'kenapa driver suka sangat potong kereta lain kat lane kiri? bukan ke lane kanan untuk memotong.?' Meh sini ak kasi brainwash. 'Hang ni, awat hang drive kereta 90km/h kat lane kanan? Hang ni tak pernah drive kat highway ke.? Tak nak potong kereta lain, ada hati nak lepak kat lane kanan. Adoii.! and lagi satu. Kat Malaysia ni, ramai sangat driver drive syok sendiri. Driver kat blkang dah bg lampu tinggi, hang buat derk jerk. Lane paling kiri, lane paling slow. Tp, kat Malaysia, lane paling kiri lane paling laju. Just accept the fact, mate.!


Aniz says:
at: January 3, 2011 at 11:09 AM said...

kena ucap 'welcome back' ke ni? huhu lama betul hilang..banyakkan bertabah..semua akan baik-baik saja soon..=)

法伊玆 says:
at: January 3, 2011 at 1:51 PM said...

err, tak perlu ucap pn. haha.! maaf lor, there's too many problems that i couldn't handle lately. Lost my playmate when I was in Australia. Kinda get me lost too.

Aniz says:
at: January 4, 2011 at 1:28 PM said...

banyakkan bersabar strong..mohon pada DIA, insyaallah DIA akan bantu..

法伊玆 says:
at: January 4, 2011 at 5:21 PM said...

Wish so. Tried my best and still trying. Thanks.

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